ですが、今できなくても少しずつ近づいていけば良いのです。プロセスを楽しんで練習していくうちにいつの間にかできる日が来ます。アシュタンガヨガを作ったパタビジョイス先生は「One day coming」=「いつの間にあなたの目の前にやってくる」という素敵なことを残してくれました。なのでいつかくることを楽しみに待っていれば良い。と私も思うようになりました。とは言っても中々そうは思えない時もあります。そう言ったときは「私もそう時があるんだなぁ〜」とか、「私も人と比べて焦る時があるんだなぁ〜人間だなぁ〜」とちょっと関心気味に自分を第3者として俯瞰して見てます(笑)
One day coming するその日までプロセスを楽しんでいれば良いのです🎵
Yoga practice is basically done every day.
It is said that daily practice peels away our outer filter, which is like a cloudy glass, and returns us to our true selves. Although the main focus is on asana (posture) and physical practice, yoga practice can also be incorporated into meditation and daily life.
Here I will share a story about a time when I mainly did asanas (postures).
At first I was surprised to see a big difference in my health checkup results between the year I just started yoga and a year later!
The amount of good bacteria in my gut had increased tremendously, and also my height had increased lol!
My blood levels were also more balanced, and if anything, my eyesight had been restored.
And what I feel is the biggest lesson I have learned now…
Accepting yourself as incapable.”
This means the same thing as Surrender.
Accepting what I can’t do has an image of giving up, and giving up somehow made me think “giving up = losing” in my mind, so I couldn’t accept what I can’t do for a long time. Then there is also just a fear of losing lol.
But I think that acceptance is also connected to valuing yourself.
”I can’t do A, but I can do B. Then let’s start with B.” I choose to move closer to A by taking small steps.
Some students often say, “I can’t do this pose because my body is too stiff! I can’t do this pose because I’m too stiff!
However, even if you can’t do it now, you just need to get closer to it little by little. Enjoy the process and keep practicing, and before you know it, the day will come when you can do it. Pattabhi Jois, the founder of Ashtanga Yoga, left us a wonderful saying, “One day coming” = “It will come to you before you know it. So you should look forward to it coming someday and wait for it. I have come to think that it is a good thing to wait and look forward to it. However, there are times when I don’t think so. When I say so, I look down on myself as a third person and say with a little interest, “I have times like that too,” or “I have times when I compare myself with others and get impatient, I’m human haha:)
Accepting that you can’t do it is not “giving up” but “moving on”.
And really, in yoga, it doesn’t matter how hard your body is.
All you have to do is enjoy the process until the day you come one day 🎵.
I hope this helps those who have been struggling with the same issues as me.
Have a wonderful day today!